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R.A.T.S  History​

Where it all started

R.A.T.S Riders Against Teen Suicide is the brain child of  the legendary, Super Māori Fullas. The biker group would  combine forces  with registered  nurse, Kahui Neho, working in the Waikato at the  Henry Rongomau Bennett Centre.

The  mission,  to help raise awareness of the tragically high youth suicide rate in New Zealand by bringing together the community,  iwi organisations, and service providers. The Green Ribbon Campaign was born.

R.A.T.S  adopted the same model as the White Ribbon Ride calling on all riders to bring the noise to support the Green Ribbon Campaign, the  motorcycles being the draw card.


Anyone  can be a R.A.T.S rider  regardless of their affiliation to a club or not, this gives the wider riding community an opportunity to come together and support a kaupapa that affects all communities.

The Super Māori Fullas are no strangers to heading up a  motorcycle event. They also launched the very first White Ribbon Ride ‘Men against violence’ campaign back in November 2009, now a national event.


Keeping  with the kaupapa of R.A.T.S and maintaining the Green Ribbon Campaign to this day, the Green stone door has always remained open, Te Tatau Pounamu o te Ao.


A dedicated group  of  whānau, supporters and motorcycle riders from ngā hau e wha,  continue to row the R.A.T.S waka through the winds, waves and storms of Tāwhirimātea, navigating a safe passage.

The challenge is on, let us all bring on the light and dispel the darkness

Kia ora te mā, kia mate te pango, mauria te taki, werohia te wero!



P.O.Box 22


New Zealand,
Tel: 64 21 08513777

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