Riders Against Teen Suicide

Welcome to the official R.A.T.S Website
Nei rā ngā mihi...
Ka tū whera te tatau pounamu o te Ao
E takoto te whāriki o te Atua ki mua i a tātou
He hōnore, he korōria ki te Atua
He maungārongo ki te whenua
He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa
Ka huri te kei o te waka ki te Kīngi a Tūheitia
Me te whare Kāhui Ariki whānau whānui tonu
Mā te Atua e tiaki, e manaaki i a rātou
Me ngā whakaaro tonu ki ngā mate o te wā
Takoto mai ra, moe mai koutou, haere, haere, haere
Kāti rātou ki a rātou, tātou ki a tātou
Nō reira, e rau rangatira mā
Nau mai, Haere mai.
The green stone door to the world opens.
The place mat of God is laid bare before us.
All honor and glory to the most high.
May peace rein upon the earth,
and good will come to all people.
The keel of our waka turns towards King Tuheitia
and to the house hold of nobility.
May God care and bless them.
Our thoughts turn to those who have left this world.
Rest in peace, sleep well, depart on your journey .
Let those that have passed go in peace
and the living go on living.
Therefore to our distinguished guests gathered here
welcome, welcome,welcome.
The green stone door ( Te tatau pounamu )
The green stone door figuratively refers to coming together particularly in times of trouble, and upheaval. A pathway to peace could be secured between warring tribes, or disputes, by uniting together through the offering of gifts, even marriage, but more so with the exchange of the precious and highly treasured pounamu, green stone, a symbol for long term stability, strength and durability.
(Riders Against Teen Suicide)
The R.A.T.S Ride was the brain child of The Super Māori Fullas alongside registered nurse Kahui Niho.
Together they kicked off the Green Ribbon Campaign in the North to highlight the high Māori teen suicide rate.
R.A.T.S (Riders Against Teen Suicide) Involves a Motorcycle ride where riders, their whānau and supporters come together during one of the many events held through out Aotearoa. Since the RATS green Ribbon was created it has grown into a variety of R.A.T.S Initiatives, groups and organizations reflecting the need to help our community.
To stay true to the essence and kaupapa of R.A.T.S Green Ribbon, There are no chapters no central governing body only riding groups who help organize rides and raise funds to go towards supporting community. Any person can be a R.A.T.S supporter with or with no bike and belong to other clubs.
Mate Whakamomori affects every one and while the statistics rise and fall then rise Our new message is N1M Not 1 More for every life is a gift.
Te Rīpene Kākāriki
The Green Ribbon depicts a Manaia stylized manu, (bird) with head and beck.
The name of the bird is Manu Taupua a Kaitiaki, guardian that stands watch, over it's flock protecting its whānau.